[MAJ]Basilisk II v0.31: Emulateur Macintosh 68k

Basilisk II est un émulateur pour PSVita faisant tourner l'os Macintosh 68k.

Vous aurez besoin d'une copie de MacOS et d'une image rom macintosh.

Version 0.31
Vita buttons can now be mapped to mac input events.
Access menu using select key during emulation, Can be used to mount floppy/cdrom images and change button mapping.

Version 0.3
Implemented UI preferences editor
Cpu frequency can now be set
Video Output can be stretched to 16x9

Version 0.2
Add support for Bluetooth keyboard and mouse.
Fixed bug where hard disks were mounted read-only.

Télécharger Basilisk II v0.3: Emulateur Macintosh 68kTélécharger Basilisk II v0.3: Emulateur Macintosh 68k