PSone Loader

PSone Loader est un programe qui permet de lancer un jeu PSone classic depuis le PS Vita Livearea (bulle personnalisée PSone).

Attention vous devrez au moins avoir un jeu original PS one installé depuis le PS Store.

Ca supporte les jeux personnalisés mais aussi officiels PSone. Le programme est fait de 3 composants :
- Le dumper, qui dumpe les headers PSP et KIRK du module "simple" (DATA.PSP) qui est requis par le programme signer.
- Le signer, qui injecte le module "simple" personnalisé avec une fausse signature dans un jeu PSone converti en "EBOOT.PBP".
- Le loader qui patche le module POPS pour autoriser les jeux PSone personnalisés et le contournement de la license des jeux officiels PSone.


Be aware that this short tutorial here is hard to follow if you're not familiar with the PS Vita stuff. User-friendly tutorials are going to be written by other members of the PS Vita scene.

1. Base
To setup custom PSone bubbles you'll need to own at least ONE purchased official PSone game. Choose any PSone game, the size of it does not even matter.
You should be able to dump or download the 'EBOOT.PBP' of the choosen game in order to dump the base headers.

2. Dumper
Put the official PSone 'EBOOT.PBP' at 'ms0:/EBOOT.PBP' and run DUMPER on your PSP/pspemu running TN-V. The newest CFW is recommended.
If it could be dumped successfully, you will find a new file at 'ms0:/BASE_HEADERS.BIN'.

3. Signer
You can sign any custom or official PSone game with the signer program. Put a custom PSone 'EBOOT.PBP' and 'BASE_HEADERS.BIN' on your PC near to the signer.exe program.
Then execute signer.exe with these arguments:
If it could be signed successfully, the output file does now have the custom 'simple' module injected.

4. Loader
Transfer 'PSVX00000' to your PS Vita, you'll find it at 'PlayStation(R)' in CMA. These are core files of the PSone Loader. Custom PSone bubbles won't start without this loader.

5. Transfer
You can transfer the signed custom PSone EBOOT.PBP to your PS Vita by using CMA (put it in any PSP savedata or even better, in the 'PSVX00000' folder) or by using FTP.
Using VitaShell, PSPFiler or any other programs, create a folder at pspemu directory: /PSP/GAME/DISC_ID, where DISC_ID is the same as in your custom 'EBOOT.PBP'.
This step is important, otherwise the game won't start. Copy your custom 'EBOOT.PBP' to this new folder.

6. App.db
Insert a new entry or modify an existing entry with these strings:

566916785: mba
2593862978: originalpath=ux0:pspemu/PSP/GAME/DISC_ID&selfpath=ux0:pspemu/PSP/GAME/DISC_ID/EBOOT.PBP&discid=DISC_ID&parentallevel=0&gamedataid=&appver=00.00&bootable=1&category=ME
3022202214: vs0:app/NPXS10028/eboot.bin

where DISC_ID is again the DISC_ID of the custom PSone game.

7. Enjoy
Everything has been done and the custom PSone bubble will now work after reboot.


The method of custom PSone bubbles does not have the 'Settings' menu which is used to configure screen mode, button assignments, disc change, etc. However the structure of the configuration file '__sce_menuinfo' has been documented at 'include/pops_config.h'. Therefore it is possible to write a PC app that can do the configuration for your PSone games. officiel :

Identifiez vous pour télécharger les fichiers.



Bonjour je voulai savoir si sa fonctionne en 3.57 ou c juste pour la version

------- le commentaire:'Bonsoir quelqu un a réussi' a été ajouté le dim,
20/03/2016 - 20:06 -------

Bonsoir quelqu un a réussi car moi je ram lol


Portrait de Alucard73

y a personne qui sait comment installer les bulles sur vita 3.52 que tout les tuto sont pour rejuvenante et aucune explication pour comment mettre les eboot sur psp/game en 3.52 vu que le sistème à bloquer l'accès en écriture


Portrait de obotchaman

Pareil que tts2106, est-ce que ça fonctionne en 3.57?
Sinon, autre souci, je suis sur Mac et je vois que signer est un .exe...